Welcome to STETHS Alumni Association

The STETHS Alumni Association (USA) Inc. exists to help you stay connected to STETHS, and to each other, wherever you are in your life now.


Thank you for participating in our Annual General Meeting and election of officers for the term 2024- 2026. I want to extend a special thank you to the former executive team for their service to the alumni community and their dedication to our Alma mater. You did your part and now this new executive team has the responsibility of carrying the mantle.

To all those who ran for office, thank you. Your interest in serving on our executive team speaks volumes and we are excited to have you serve on one of our many committees. To the new executive team, congratulations! There’s much to be done but I have no doubt that our school motto of “Work and Integrity” will ring through as we execute the association’s business.

Dr. Cecil Wright 90 ‘



Honoring Dr. Cosmo Lyle Fraser

On May 15th, 2024 St. Elizabeth Technical High School will celebrate the Annual Cosmo Lyle Fraser M.D, F.A.S.N Day. All alumni are welcome to attend this event which will be held in Santa Cruz, St. Elizabeth Jamaica. The event includes devotion with students, a pinning ceremony, brunch, and a panel discussion.

Be apart of the community

The STETHS Alumni Association USA Inc has established STETHS communities around the world. These communities are made up of past students, currents students, families, friends and supports of STETHS. Communities are based on geographical location such as states, providence, or cities.

STETHS History

The idea of building a Technical secondary school in Santa Cruz was initiated by the ‘Santa Cruz Citizen’s Association in 1958. Various pleas were made to the country’s Ministry of Education, in addition to the Kaiser Bauxite Company. These authorities soon realized the importance of a technical, skill-based school. They later received a ten-thousand pound grant from the Ministry and twelve acres of land from Kaiser Bauxite to start the project. The Minister of Education at the time, Hon. F. L. Glasspole, decided that St. Elizabeth Technical High School was to be built with an opening date set at early 1961. The first batch of students were chosen before the groundbreaking ceremony.

Before the school was built, E.G. Roper was appointed principal as of 1 January 1961. The school opened with 110 students on 10 October 1961, all housed in one building. Under the direction of Mr. Roper, a school choir and sports program were developed.

The school encountered problems in the early years, such as lack of equipment, insufficient water supply, and insufficient boarding accommodation in the community. The members of staff together with Kaiser Bauxite Company contributed twelve thousand pounds to help alleviate the problems.

SAC Newsletter

The STETHS Alumni Connection (SAC) Newsletter Team is pleased to present our first-ever quarterly newsletter at a time which, although fraught with the threat from a viral pandemic, is also filled with the hope that spring brings and the joy of celebrating longevity. This year marks 25 years of STETHS Alumni Association (Inc.) and 60 years since the inception of our alma mater. As we celebrate and learn to adapt to a changing world, we hope SAC helps you to reconnect, renew and strengthen those ties formed decades ago, or more recently, at the foot of the Santa Cruz Mountains.

Please enjoy our features of two fellow alumni who have distinguished themselves and contributed much to society on the national and international stage.

In this issue, we also tune in to the voices of current STETHS students, invite you to test your knowledge of STETHS trivia, explore some resources for coping with health and wellness concerns, especially during this time, and take a quick look back at the STETHS alumni Association’s journey over a quarter-century. We hope you are inspired to join and “Be A Part” during our alumni membership campaign.

Alumni Executive Board 2022 - 2025

Zonia Watkins - 82'

1st Vice President
New York

Gary Samuels - 89

2nd Vice President

Patrice Neil - 89'

New York

Ruddy Miller - 90’

New York

Belinda Haughton- 90'

STETHS Liaison Officer
New York

Kaydeen Coles- 89'
Public Relations Officer
New Jersey

Nadine Linton - 87

Assist. Treasurer

Dr. Natasha Findley - 91'

Assist. Secretary
New York
